A Photography Journey: I Got Blocked!


I have recently joined an online photography community but got blocked without warning after posting just a few photos of my own. It was such a disappointment. I choose carefully which groups I want to join that is why I found it harsh that I was dropped instantaneously. Just like that. What have I done wrong? I had to find out.

Oh, of course! I defied its guidelines! Fair enough.

In my excitement, I got carried away and skipped reading through the posting rules and regulations.

Rules are rules. I get it. But, maybe a reminder first before blocking?  Other administrators do that. They give a gentle reminder to those who have failed to comply and the member/photographer simply edited his post. It’s different for repeat offenders, of course. By all means, block ‘em!

It has been weeks since, but as of this writing, I am still blocked by the said online community. So, even if I want to, there’s no way for that mistake to be rectified.

I must admit though that being blocked taught me these lessons:  what  ‘street photography” is all about and to absolutely read and obey the community guidelines.

Have you ever been blocked? Just like that? Thoughts?

Here’s more of  my photography journey: Finding My Place

One thought on “A Photography Journey: I Got Blocked!

  1. Pingback: A Photography Journey: Finding My Place | OPINIONS MATTER

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